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Episode 33: Helping a Kid Find Their Strengths Part 2 with Scott Schimmel

A key foundational element for building a meaningful life is knowing and owning your strengths and assets. You’ll likely get help to understand them- maybe by taking strength assessments or reviewing your report card or job performance reviews. Really owning and developing and building upon your natural talents, however, is something only you can do. You don’t have to; most people don’t. They do what’s expected of them, or try to be someone they’re not. But the truly content people are the ones who live in and out of their sweet spot. Can you imagine a life well-lived without it?


Do you know?

For years we’ve been studying what a young person needs in order to transition into a healthy, thriving adulthood.  

They're uncommon sense ideas, really.

Download this checklist and use it with your students (or kids).

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