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Episode 36: Case Study #2—Helping a 10th Grader Plan for the Future

This week, we invited Canyon Scandrett, a sophomore at Rancho Bernardo High School whose parents said needs help to figure out what direction to take his life. Our kids don’t need us to be passive observers or cheerleaders; they need us with them in the process of discovering their lives. Even more than with them, they need to be guided through a series of conversations and questions to consider. They need to be exposed to opportunities, career fields, and lifestyles that might resonate with them. Even more than waiting until they ask, take the initiative to guide them through a series of the right questions to ponder. Bring up the subject repeatedly, letting them know how important it is to reflect on the big questions in life and talk about them with people you trust.


START Being More Intentional With Your Kids!

Besides keeping your kids healthy and safe, what else can you do to ensure they'll become happy and successful adults? With the time you have with them—downtime, drive time, meal time, and bedtime, what will YOU do to engage them intentionally? 

Each week, we'll send you an actionable tip on how to engage more with your kids, whether they're 8 or 18.