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Episode 38: Tracey Gee — Helping Kids Identify Their Strengths

This week, we’re pulling out one from the archives. We’re thrilled to introduce you to Tracey Gee, a To be honest, this is the conversation where I couldn't stop taking notes! Tracey's a longtime friend and former colleague who now has a deep passion for helping people discover and activate their strengths. Here's a recap of the episode that I'm sure you'll want to listen to a couple of times and share with friends: Two great questions for listeners to reflect on their StrengthsFinder 2.0 results: Where does that strength come alive in you? What's a challenge you have where you can apply your strength? For Parents (or coaches, teachers, youth workers)-- top five clues to discover your kid's talents: Rapid learning: what subjects or topics do you see your kids devour information? Motivation and natural curiosity: what are your kids naturally motivated to learn or do more of? Flow: what activities do you notice them in 'the zone'? Satisfaction: when do you hear them especially satisfied by an activity? Glimpses of excellence: what do you notice them being remarkably talented at? Tracey mentioned a book she's reading by James Emery White called Meet Generation Z. Buy the StrengthsFinder 2.0 Book & Assessment for you or someone you like a lot. Connect with Tracey on LinkedIn-- she's a licensed and talented coach for 1:1 coaching, small groups or teams


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