Episode 96: Scott Schimmel on Year End Must-Have Conversations


This episode provides guidance on how to be strategic with the downtime spent with kids during the holidays. It emphasizes the importance of having meaningful conversations that can help children grow and gain clarity about themselves and their future. Scott suggests several conversation topics, including interests, role models, aspirations, and hopes for the new year.


  • Be intentional and strategic with the time spent with your kids during the holidays.
  • Engage in conversations about your child's interests, role models, aspirations, and hopes for the future.
  • Encourage self-reflection and self-awareness in your child. Support and engage with your child to help them grow into themselves.

Do you know?

For years we’ve been studying what a young person needs in order to transition into a healthy, thriving adulthood.  

They're uncommon sense ideas, really.

Download this checklist and use it with your students (or kids).

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