How Can a Kid This Young Know What to Do? Episode 112 with Scott Schimmel

In this conversation, Scott Schimmel discusses the harmful impact of telling young people that they will figure out their path in life, eventually. This mindset is too expensive, as it can lead to wasted time and money in college. Scott also points out that just because it took a long time for some adults to find their passion doesn't mean it will be the same for everyone. Our kids deserve better than feeling hopeless, and they should be guided to discover their identity and make informed decisions about their future.


  • How can I guide my kid to find their path without discouraging or demotivating them?
  • How is the "just figure it out" mindset costing me a lot of money?
  • Why is the approach that worked for me not working for my kids?
  • What does it mean to guide my kid to discover their identity and make informed decisions about their future?

Do you know?

For years we’ve been studying what a young person needs in order to transition into a healthy, thriving adulthood.  

They're uncommon sense ideas, really.

Download this checklist and use it with your students (or kids).

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