One of the great joys of my life is a guy named Nic. We met in drama class during our freshman year in high school and became instantly inseparable. Partially, it was due to our bizarre mutual bent...
“Whoever tells the best story wins.” - John Quincy Adams
Anyone who’s been around a teenager for a significant amount of time understands how challenging it can be to...
We’ve interviewed and surveyed hundreds of parents and educators about the hopes they have for the kids they care about, and universally one thing has emerged over everything else: they want...
Teach your kids this vital social skill!
There’s no question how important social connections are to a teenager. They will go to almost any length to procure or maintain good social standing....
When I was little, baseball was my singular passion. I even lobbied my parents to officially change my name to Steve, after my favorite baseball player Steve Sax. (They declined). I still...
When I was growing up, although we weren’t religious, we held onto many traditions. Besides holidays and celebrations, our most consistent tradition was being together for a family dinner....
Having a teenager in the house (or a group of them in a classroom) inevitably means conflict and tension. Frankly, they’re annoying. They’re desperate to carve their own path, do things...
No parent on earth doesn’t worry about their kids’ well-being. Specifically, they worry that the boundaries and guardrails they put up and around their kids will be sufficient to keep...
Friendships are everything to a kid. They’re more important than family, to be honest. The company a kid keeps will determine nearly everything: how they see themselves, their priorities and...
Winston Churchill said, "The farther back you look, the further ahead you can see."
Most teens don't see very far into the future, though. How could they? They have much more pressing issues in the...
Besides keeping your kids healthy and safe, what else can you do to ensure they'll become happy and successful adults? With the time you have with themā€”downtime, drive time, meal time, and bedtime, what will YOU do to engage them intentionally?Ā
Each week, we'll send you an actionable tip on how to engage more with your kids, whether they're 8 or 18.